Gadus morhua / Cabillaud / Kabeljau / Merluzzo nordico / Треска / 大西洋真鱈 / 大西洋マダラ

Stock levels of Atlantic cod is high, thanks to excellent fishery management and favourable environmental conditions

The North East Atlantic contains the largest cod stocks in the world. Jointly managed by Norwegian and Russian authorities, the stock is approved by the ICES for its sustainable approach.

Our fishing grounds

Pacific halibut is harvested in the Sea of Okhotsk and West Bering Sea, in the North Pacific Ocean, FAO area 61.

Fishing method

Pacific halibut is caught with an autoline longline system.


The total Pacific halibut catch:
2010 | 32,800 MT
2011 | 27,100 MT
2012 | 22,100 MT
2013 | 21,300 MT
2014 | 18,900 MT
2015 | 19,000 MT
2016 | 19,400 MT
2017 | 19,600 MT
2018 | 19, 100 MT
2019 | 18,500 MT
2020 | 2021 | –

Source: FAO

Nutritional and packaging information

Composition of food per 100g edible weight

Water114 gTotal lipids (fat)4.7 g
Calories223 kcalOmega-31064 mg
Saturated fat42.2 g

Pacific Halibut

Headed and gutted (H&G)

3 x 16.5 lbs3 x 7.484 kg
Grading (kg)

Pacific Halibut

Headed and gutted (H&G)

Block-frozen – Random weight IQF

Grading (kg)

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